In spite of getting enough physical exercise most dogs do not get enough mental stimulation. They become bored and restless. This often results in excess energy that they will put into some not so nice behaviours such as chewing your furniture, digging, up your garden or garbage, jumping up on people, barking, destruction of your home or belongings to name a few. It also gives them a lot of pent up energy to put into reacting to their environment. Enter the Snuffle Mat. The Snuffle Mat provides the dog with an opportunity to sniff and search for hidden treats tapping into their olfactory senses and that incredible need to forage that they find so reinforcing. This is a great way to make dinner fun for your dog by burying their kibble into the mat and let them "snuffle" it out. Snuffle Mats are available through Kelowna Puppies. $30 each. Contact us at
Gunner enjoying his dinner in his snuffle mat.